Daily Hope in American Sign Language
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Values of the Daily Hope ASL Devotional:

Providing ASL interpretation for Daily Hope makes the content more inclusive for individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, ensuring that they have equal access to the teaching and messages.

Individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing can access Daily Hope in their preferred mode of communication, which helps remove barriers to accessing spiritual content.

Improved Understanding
ASL interpretation provides a more comprehensive understanding of Daily Hope teachings, especially for those whose first language is ASL.

Accessing spiritual content in their primary mode of communication helps people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing feel more connected to the message and to the community.

With ASL interpretation, those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing can engage with the content on a deeper level, leading to greater spiritual growth and development.

Enhanced Learning
ASL is a visual language, and many individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing learn better through visual information. ASL interpretation provides an enhanced learning experience to help individuals better understand and retain the teachings.

Availability of ASL interpretation helps people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing feel empowered and valued, knowing that their needs are being considered and accommodated.

Offering ASL interpretation of spiritual content helps promote equality and reduce discrimination against individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and promote a more inclusive and compassionate community.
Lives Transformed Through the Daily Hope ASL Devotional

Each day, watching the scripture being done in ASL and listening to Rick, it has really deepened my walk with Christ. It’s helped show me the path and the purpose that I have here in life. The purpose that I have now is far greater than anything that I would’ve been doing before.

Recently, I started to lose my hearing on both ears, but I know that there’s so many people out there that are also losing their hearing. So, watching the Bible, there’s something so powerful about it!

They have videos which includes Deaf signers and interpreters. They discuss Bible verses and these videos taught me about faith, love, and trust. All these things and more information right there that you’ll be able to learn. When I watch their signing, giving accessibility, it will help you understand about who God is.

Wow! The messages are really powerful and the wisdom to help me think and grow. Whether you’re Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Hearing, these can benefit your faith and relationship to God.